Be courageous.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Keep the Faith.

I have a friend who is obsessed with her faith in God, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. (Warning: This topic will probably pop up  a lot because I have several friends who have opinions about this all over the spectrum). During the school year we used to meet once a week to just talk about God and we both had (and still do have) a lot of questions/ideas/beliefs that we bounced off each other. Some weeks, we would study books of the bible and others we would just talk about why some people believe this and why some people believe that, or don't even believe in anything at all. It was nice to talk to her because we are both Christian but we come from two different branches of Christianity and it's interesting to find the similarities as well as the differences. She even came to church with me one week to see how "we" do things on our side.

I have been thinking about her a lot lately because I have had some challenges to my faith recently, one big one being THE REAL WORLD. Phrases such as, "Why isn't this working?!" and "I've done everything I could and I still didn't succeed!" have popped into my brain recently. I expected to hit the ground running after graduating college but I think I finally had a break through today and made peace with where my life is at right now and I have my ever faithful, "Thursday night-Maucker Union-avoiding homework"  friend who has prepared me for this moment to thank. I believe I was meant to find a waitressing job so I can make new friends in a new city. I believe I should be thankful for this extra free time I have to plan a wedding that is just a few short months away. I believe that I haven't found that perfect "helping kids achieve their dreams" job because the one I'm supposed to have just isn't out there for me yet. I believe this quote (below) I found while skimming through the newspaper, waiting to get my hair cut, wasn't there by accident.You skeptics out there can call it what you want but I call it faith.

"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith no explanation is possible."
                 -St. Thomas Aquinas (who by the way, wasn't just a theologian but actually a pretty famous philosopher that ranks right up there with Aristotle, how cool is that?!)

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